idailydiary review
idailydiary review

2024年2月18日—iDailyDiaryfromSplinterwareisasimplebutpowerfuldiary,journal,notesandeventsappdesignedtorecordyourthoughts,activities,to-do ...,2007年2月2日—Thisafreediaryoffersrich-textformatting,whichmeansyoucanspiceupyourentrieswithsnappyfontsan...


2024年2月18日—iDailyDiaryfromSplinterwareisasimplebutpowerfuldiary,journal,notesandeventsappdesignedtorecordyourthoughts,activities,to-do ...

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iDailyDiary - Diary & Notes on the App Store

2024年2月18日 — iDailyDiary from Splinterware is a simple but powerful diary, journal, notes and events app designed to record your thoughts, activities, to-do ...

iDaily Diary

2007年2月2日 — This a free diary offers rich-text formatting, which means you can spice up your entries with snappy fonts and colors.

iDailyDiary Free

2012年6月16日 — iDailyDiary is journaling software that has a strong resemblance to a word processor or a full-featured e-mail client such as Outlook, ...

iDaily Diary

2011年11月1日 — iDaily Diary, free and safe download. iDaily Diary latest version: Keep a record of your daily movements. iDaily Diary is a great, ...

iDailyDiary VS RedNotebook

Based on our record, RedNotebook seems to be more popular. It has been mentiond 8 times since March 2021. We are tracking product recommendations and mentions ...


The iDailyDiary editor is richtext with the ability to insert graphics, URL's, Hypertext links and links to other diary pages. iDailyDiary is fully searchable ...


User reviews about iDailyDiary ... Great. I am using this Diary for years and it's very comfortable, handy and easy for maintain (Backup and migrate to other PC).

[Windows] iDailyDiary is a portable diaryjournal program that ...

Compared to other diary apps, a portable diary is much better because you can use it on any computer. Anyways, let's find out if the iDailyDiary ...


2024年2月18日 — iDailyDiary from Splinterware is a simple but powerful diary, journal, notes and events app designed to record your thoughts, activities, to-do ...

iDailyDiary for Windows

iDailyDiary provides a simple interface that immediately gets you started taking daily notes, creating a journal, putting your thoughts into writing and much ...


2024年2月18日—iDailyDiaryfromSplinterwareisasimplebutpowerfuldiary,journal,notesandeventsappdesignedtorecordyourthoughts,activities,to-do ...,2007年2月2日—Thisafreediaryoffersrich-textformatting,whichmeansyoucanspiceupyourentrieswithsnappyfontsandcolors.,2012年6月16日—iDailyDiaryisjournalingsoftwarethathasastrongresemblancetoawordprocessororafull-featurede-mailclientsuchasOutlook, ...,2011年11...